Ashridge Home Care wears it pink for Breast Cancer Awareness Month 2022.

It was great to see our HQ team wearing it pink this year in support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month 2022. An outstanding effort from all these amazing women to raise awareness and funds for such a great cause.
Every year during Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we wear pink, raise money and help fund life-changing breast cancer research and support. Breast cancer doesn’t stop for anything. This year, around 55,000 women and 370 men in the UK will hear the words ‘it’s breast cancer’ and around 11,500 women and 80 men will sadly die from it.
During the pandemic, nearly 1 million women missed a potentially life-saving mammogram because of COVID-19 in a bid to free up resources and reduce the risk of spreading the corona virus?
The worry is that now 1000’s of women caught in this backlog could potentially have breast cancer which has gone undetected. So if you were due a mammogram that was delayed due to the pandemic, please don’t delay in booking one now. It could save your life!
You have so many things to take care of, and between work and family, a day that never ends… This Breast Cancer Awareness Month, We’re asking you to take a breath and put your health first.
Get your mammogram – it could save your life, and nothing is more important than that!
Breast Cancer Now say of their wear it pink campaign, “With every bit of pink we wear, every pink party game we play, every pink cake we bake and every pink bucket we shake, we’re making a positive future possible. We want to change the future of breast cancer by funding world-class research. To date, we’ve invested over £255 million in research to drive forward progress. And we’re not about to stop.”
“Every day spent researching breast cancer is an opportunity to find new ways to prevent, diagnose, treat and help people to live well with the disease. We all rely on the hope that our research brings; hope that there can be a better future for people diagnosed with breast cancer.”
Read more: Cancer patients and survivors are often uncertain about next steps in their cancer journey and how holistic care at home is becoming an increasingly important approach.