Work experience offers a good opportunity to see what it is like to work in social care

16 year old Anya is studying for her A Levels at Wycombe High School but has just spent a week with the Ashridge Home Care company doing work experience.
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She is preparing to study medicine at University in September and wanted to get some hands on work experience. “Everyone has been so nice and friendly and is finding me fun, practical things to do. I’ve been able to do so much more than I’d hoped for, taking part in some medication courses and other medical training online as well as undertaking practical activities in the office helping the recruitment team.”
Buckinghamshire live in care
“Tomorrow I am shadowing Trudi as she visits a couple of live-in carers and it’ll be really interesting to see everything working in reality. I’ve been able to sit in on an interview which has been a great process to be exposed to seeing as I’ve never done an interview myself and it’s really interesting to see all the systems that are in place to track medicine administration and client care.”
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Anya had emailed a few GP surgeries to gain a work experience placement but due to Covid-19 restrictions that proved difficult. Hence, it is great experience to see a different type of medical setting and gain a thorough understanding of the care sector. “I’ve really enjoyed my time with Ashridge.” she commented.
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Developing relevant practical skills and gaining invaluable work experience is the foundation of a great start in whatever career you’ve chosen! Thank you Anya, we hope you enjoyed your experience! You’ve been a pleasure to work with.
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Working in social care means supporting people with their non-clinical needs, although there is an important crossover between working in health and working in social care. 1.54 million people currently work in the social care sector. Because of the increasing number of disabled younger adults living longer and the growing number of older people needing care, adult social care is growing and the sector needs another half a million jobs, and people to do them, by 2035.